In the article “Creating the Natural Numbers from First Principles” I provided some exercises at the end. If these exercises were easy for you, skip down to the solution of the bonus where I outline an interesting construction and provide more exercises for even deeper exploration.

1.) We need to implement exponentiation for Nat. Switching on a and b we have:

func exp(_ a: Nat, _ b: Nat) -> Nat {
  switch (a, b) {
  case (.Succ, .Zero):
  case (.Zero, .Succ):
  case (.Succ, .Succ):
  case (.Zero, .Zero):

The first case is asking for the value of a^0. A positive integer raised to the zeroth power is just 1. The next case is asking for 0^b, which clearly is 0. We can fill in those cases now:

func exp(_ a: Nat, _ b: Nat) -> Nat {
  switch (a, b) {
  case (.Succ, .Zero):
    return .Succ(.Zero)
  case (.Zero, .Succ):
    return .Zero
  case (.Succ, .Succ):
  case (.Zero, .Zero):

Next we need a^b where we know a and b are positive natual numbers. We can reduce this to our base cases by observing that a^b = a^(b-1) * a:

func exp(_ a: Nat, _ b: Nat) -> Nat {
  switch (a, b) {
  case (.Succ, .Zero):
    return .Succ(.Zero)
  case (.Zero, .Succ):
    return .Zero
  case let (.Succ, .Succ(pred_b)):
    return exp(a, pred_b * a
  case (.Zero, .Zero):

Now, this last case: 0^0. In math this is left as an undefined value, so technically we should probably throw a fatalError or something. But, the standard library math function evaluates pow(0.0, 0.0) to be 1.0, so we’ll adopt that. The final function is:

func exp(_ a: Nat, _ b: Nat) -> Nat {
  switch (a, b) {
  case (_, .Zero):
    return .Succ(.Zero)
  case (.Zero, .Succ):
    return .Zero
  case let (.Succ, .Succ(pred_b)):
    return exp(a, pred_b * a

2.) Next we make Nat implement the Comparable protocol:

extension Nat : Comparable {}
func < (a: Nat, b: Nat) -> Bool {
  switch (a, b) {
  case (.Zero, .Zero):
  case (.Succ, .Zero):
  case (.Zero, .Succ):
  case (.Succ, .Succ):

The first three of these cases are obvious: Zero is less than every natural number except for itself.

extension Nat : Comparable {}
func < (a: Nat, b: Nat) -> Bool {
  switch (a, b) {
  case (.Zero, .Succ):
    return true
  case (_, .Zero):
    return false
  case (.Succ, .Succ):

The last case is done recursively using the predecessors of a and b and the fact that a < b if and only if a-1 < b-1:

extension Nat : Comparable {}
func < (a: Nat, b: Nat) -> Bool {
  switch (a, b) {
  case (.Zero, .Succ):
    return true
  case (_, .Zero):
    return false
  case let (.Succ(pred_a), .Succ(pred_b)):
    return pred_a < pred_b

3.) This question was to define min and max for Nat, but really we get that for free by adopting the Comparable protocol. I didn’t really think this one through :/

4.) Now we want to implement the distance function:

func distance(_ a: Nat, _ b: Nat) -> Nat {

This should return the absolute value of the difference between a and b. Our base cases are derived from the fact that distance(n, .Zero) == distance(.Zero, n) == n:

func distance(_ a: Nat, _ b: Nat) -> Nat {
  switch (a, b) {
  case (.Zero, _):
    return b
  case (_, .Zero):
    return a
  case (.Succ, .Succ)

Now the last case can reduce a and b so that we get closer to the base case:

func distance(_ a: Nat, _ b: Nat) -> Nat {
  switch (a, b) {
  case (.Zero, .Zero):
    return .Zero
  case (.Zero, .Succ):
    return b
  case (.Succ, .Zero):
    return a
  case let (.Succ(pred_a), .Succ(pred_b)):
    return distance(pred_a, pred_b

I explicity put every case instead of wildcards because the Swift compiler didn’t think I was being exhaustive in my case statements for some reason.

5.) Using the distance function from above we can write this quite easily:

func modulus(_ a: Nat, _ m: Nat) -> Nat {
  if a < m {
    return a
  return modulus(distance(a, m), m)

modulus(five, two) == one
modulus(.Succ(five), two) == .Zero

Notice that distance is simulating subtraction in Nat.

6.) This function is quite simple to implement:

func pred(_ n: Nat) -> Nat? {
  switch n {
  case .Zero:
    return nil
  case let .Succ(pred):
    return pred

pred(two) == one
pred(.Zero) == nil

7.) Implementing the IntegerLiteralConvertible involves filling in this function:

extension Nat : IntegerLiteralConvertible {
  init(integerLiteral value: IntegerLiteralType) {
    self = ???

Now, every function we wrote involving Nat was recursive, and that’s due to the inductive nature of Nat. Unfortunately we cannot inmplement init using recursion. So, we will need to define a helper function:

extension Nat : IntegerLiteralConvertible {
  init(integerLiteral value: IntegerLiteralType) {
    self = Nat.fromInt(value)

  static func fromInt (n: Int, accum: Nat = .Zero) -> Nat {
    if n == 0 {
      return accum
    return Nat.fromInt(n-1, accum: .Succ(accum))

let six: Nat = 6        // true
six == .Succ(five)      // true
let seven = Nat.Succ(6) // true
seven == six + 1        // true

8.) This will be a topic of a future post where we will discuss a very general construction for turning any commutative monoid into an abelian group. In a very precise sense, this is the most universal and “correct” way of constructing the integers from the natural numbers.

However, only using what we know from the previous article we can construct the integers in a less general manner. An integer is either a natural number, or the negative of a natural number. This perfectly translates into an enum in Swift:

enum Z {
  case Neg(Nat)
  case Pos(Nat)

I’m using Z for this type because that is what is used in mathematics (for the German word Zahlen, and the symbol used is \(\mathbb Z\)).

To make this type resemble the integers we should define addition, multiplication, equality, et cetera. Some of that would look like this:

func + (a: Z, b: Z) -> Z {
  switch (a, b) {
  case let (.Neg(a), .Neg(b)):
    return .Neg(a + b)
  case let (.Pos(a), .Pos(b)):
    return .Pos(a + b)
  case let (.Pos(a), .Neg(b)):
    return a > b ? .Pos(distance(a, b)) : .Neg(distance(a, b))
  case let (.Neg(a), .Pos(b)):
    return a < b ? .Pos(distance(a, b)) : .Neg(distance(a, b))

func * (a: Z, b: Z) -> Z {
  switch (a, b) {
  case let (.Neg(a), .Neg(b)):
    return .Pos(a * b)
  case let (.Pos(a), .Pos(b)):
    return .Pos(a * b)
  case let (.Pos(a), .Neg(b)):
    return .Neg(a * b)
  case let (.Neg(a), .Pos(b)):
    return .Neg(a * b)

extension Z : Equatable {}
func == (a: Z, b: Z) -> Bool {
  switch (a, b) {
  case let (.Neg(a), .Neg(b)):
    return a == b
  case let (.Pos(a), .Pos(b)):
    return a == b
  case let (.Pos(a), .Neg(b)):
    return a == .Zero && b == .Zero
  case let (.Neg(a), .Pos(b)):
    return a == .Zero && b == .Zero

We can now construct some integers and perform some arithmetic on them:

let pos_two = Z.Pos(two)
let neg_two = Z.Neg(two)
let pos_four = Z.Pos(four)
let neg_four = Z.Neg(four)

neg_two * neg_two == pos_two + pos_two
pos_two * neg_two == neg_four

Now, we have indeed constructed the integers from the natural numbers Nat, but there is something not quite right about this solution. In the definition of + we had to use the fact that Nat is comparable. Otherwise, the definition of Z depended on only the abstract properties of Nat.

Turns out, there is a very general construction that can be used to make Z out of Nat, but it also works in many other situations. Even better, in a very precise since, it is the most universal way of constructing Z out of Nat. This will be the topic of a future post after the necessary concepts have been developed. This object is known as the “Grothendieck group”, and it constructs an abelian group from a commutative monoid.

I leave it as an exercise to develop the rest of the integer theory, in particular:

  • Make Z implement Comparable.
  • Define the predecessor function pred (Z) -> Z (no longer need the optional return type).
  • Define the absolute value function: abs (Z) -> Nat.
  • Define subtraction - (Z, Z) -> Z.
  • Define exponentiation exp (Z, Nat) -> Z. Note that the power is Nat because if one uses negative exponents one needs fractions.
  • Bonus: Can you construct the rational numbers (fractions a/b) from Z?